I’ll Push You Streaming FAQ

How can I watch the film?

Follow the link and begin sign in process. Once you submit your information, you will be able to watch the film on VimeoOnDemand on your laptop, tablet or phone. If you have a device, such as Google Chromecast, Roku or Apple TV, you may be able to watch the film on your television. For more information about Vimeo compatibility with TV apps, please visit Vimeo’s website.


When can I watch the film?

It will be free to stream from Dec. 19 – Dec. 25


Can I watch it more than once?

Yes, you will receive a code when you sign up via the link. You will need to reenter that code to view the movie again.


How can I get my own streaming copy, DVD or BluRay version of the film?

Visit the I’ll Push You shop today.


Where can I learn more information about the film?

Watch the official trailer or visit the website.