Virginia State Goodwill Ambassador

Virginia State Goodwill Ambassador

Cassidy Wilson, Age 15
Roanoke, VA

Home and Family

Cassidy is the son of Jeanne & Dr. Jeffery Wilson. He has two brothers, Alex and Aiden, and a dog, Sammy.


Cassidy has Charcot Marie Tooth (Type 2A), which causes damage to the peripheral nerves and relay sensations, like pain and temperature. CMT can cause muscle weakness and atrophy.


Cassidy is an enthusiastic 10th grader.


Cassidy loves music, science, history and English. He is a very talented musician and drummer, and plays in a band formed at the Jefferson Center in Roanoke, Virginia.

MDA Activities

Cassidy has served as the local Goodwill Ambassador in Salt Lake City, Utah the past two years and was also a local goodwill ambassador in New Jersey. He has participated in many events, including appearances on the MDA Telethon presenting checks, visited Lock-Up events, Fill the Boot events, Shamrock events, Muscle Walk, and MuscleTeam Event & other fundraisers in New Jersey, New York City and Salt Lake City.