Team Momentum athlete takes on Boston in honor of family members with CMT

Colin Batty will be running with MDA Team Momentum in the Boston Marathon to raise funds in honor of family members who live with CMT.
Colin Batty will be running with MDA Team Momentum in the Boston Marathon to raise funds in honor of family members who live with CMT.
For Ava Illingsowrth there are no barriers. There are no obstacles. For her, challenges are just opportunities to defy limits. Ava is a runner with the MDA’s Team Momentum, MDA’s endurance training team that helps people train for half or full marathons while supporting kids and adults living with muscular dystrophy. Ava herself is one . . .
Joe Akmakjian had a whirl wind year serving as MDA’s first adult National Goodwill Ambassador! Check out some of his highlights from 2016.
“What would you do if you weren’t disabled?” Yep — that’s the hard-hitting question everyone and their mother wants to know. Can you say, #cliché? Truthfully, at this point, anyone who’s anyone knows I would twerk. And that’s what I’ve started telling people. But when most people ask, “twerking” isn’t generally the answer they’re hoping . . .
Since my wife passed away in July, there hasn’t been a lot of happiness in my life. It’s just been putting one foot in front of the other and taking everything day by day.
Then the Bank of America Chicago Marathon happened.
Denise and I had planned to run our “golden marathon” on Oct. 9. It would have been our ninth marathon together on the ninth. When she passed in the summer, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever want to use her race chair again.
In the fall of 2009, I met a girl. Not in the traditional way — I met Denise via eHarmony. Yes, we were an eHarmony success story. We often joked about the eHarmony commercials with the two incredibly good-looking people dancing in a beautiful garden or around a fountain. We thought how cool it would . . .
A passionate ATV rider and supportive big brother, 14-year old Devin Argall is defying the odds at every turn. The Wisconsin State Goodwill Ambassador was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) at the age of two, and doctors told him he would likely need a wheelchair by 10 years old. Today, Devin continues to walk . . .
On your marks, get set – live unlimited! As MDA’s Live Unlimited summer campaign approaches its finish line, we want you at the starting line of Live Unlimited Run Day on July 30 to celebrate our collective movement forward – and to run or walk for kids and adults with muscular dystrophy. Joining is easy. Sign up . . .
Brendan Chambers had just crossed the finish line at the 2013 Providence, Rhode Island marathon, when he spotted the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s tent. The two pretty girls manning the table had caught his eye, but it wasn’t only that. His uncle, Luke, had just died from Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS. Standing at the tent, Brendan . . .
Living unlimited is when someone faces a difficult, uncomfortable situation or a “limit” placed on them – by themselves or others — but has the fortitude to defy the limit or move through it. Yesterday, at my visit to one of our 80 MDA Summer Camps, I was reminded again and again how our families face and . . .